Charity graph

How it works

  1. We filter charities by user-specified EINs + any keywords. EINs are always included, everything else must match at least one keyword unless no keywords are set (then all are included).
  2. We pick the BFS root from the largest-receipt_amt EIN (if any exist), otherwise the largest from the filtered set. If that BFS yields fewer than 5 nodes, we pick the next-largest unvisited charity in the filtered set, BFS again, and so on, until the subgraph has 5 or more nodes or we run out.
  3. We always include all user-specified EINs plus direct edges among them. Node labels highlight Taxpayer Funds Received from govt_amt, and we sum that for the final subgraph.

How to use

  1. By default, the graph will zoom into the starting point where the money flow begins
  2. Search for organizations in the graph by typing a name in the search bar
  3. Click a connecting line (or grant amount) to zoom to its source and destination
  4. Click and drag to explore the connections on the canvas
  5. Use your mouse's scroll function to zoom in and out
🚨 High taxpayer funds (>$10M)
Medium taxpayer funds ($1M-$10M)
Low/No taxpayer funds
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